Camelot Arthur v3.0 MkII

● 크기(W x H x D/mm) : 17"W x 8"D x 2"H
● 무게 : 7 파운드
● 아나로그 2채널 출력 : 언밸런스 1
● 디지털 입력 : 5 Digital inputs (Coaxial, TOSlink, AES/EBU, 5 and 6-pin I2S)
● 출시가격 : $895.00
● 기타 :
- Burr Brown PCM1702 DAC stage
- HDCD� - compatible
- "Charge Pump" Class A Analog Stage
- Defeatable HDCD� dithering and attenuation
- Passive post filter
- Onboard power supply with detachable A.C. Power Cord
- Optional "The Charm II" Battery-based Power Supply (MSRP: $599.00)


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