Shanling CD-T100 HDCD Player for Radio Tube Model

● 크기(W x H x D mm) : 290 x 65 x 430
● 무게 : 12Kg
● Output Impedance: 미발표.
300 Ohm 이하(RCA for tube amp, headphone)
150 Ohm 이하 (CD Audio)
● Frequency Response: 20Hz to 20kHz
● Distortion: <0.002% (1kHz)
● SNR : 110dB (tube output 102db)
● Dynamic Range: 115dB
● Crosstalk: <100dB
● Output Level: 0~2.2V adjustable
● 출시 년도 : 2001년 11월 ~ 2005년
● 출시 가격 :
미국 : $2,000 (실제 판매가는 $1600~$1700 선)
● 중고 가격 :
약 100~120만원 (신품가격에 비해 비싼편이다)
● 기타 :
- Tube Compliment: four 6N3P, standard Chinese (compatible with WE 396A & 2C51)
- Digital System: four 24 Bit Burr Brown PCM1704 DAC, PDM-200 96kHz HDCD Digital Filter, Crystal CS8420 upsampler for 96kHz upsampling
- Transport: Philips CDM-1201 with Philips CD7 II servo circuitry
● 특징 :
- Using the CS8420 chip for digital audio sample rate converter(sampling frequency is 96KHz).
! - Using the second generation HDCD decode chip is PMD-200 of 24bit/96KHz.
- Using 4pcs PCM1704 D/A chip with parallel connection output.
- The line output port from operation amplifier circuit and Radio Tube part.
- Earphone monitor output port from the Radio Tube part.

중국의 대표적인 HI-FI 메이커. HDCD 지원.


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