Stereophile 추천 기기(2006년 4월) # 4-튜너 및 악세사리

* FM Tuners


Fanfare FT-1A: $1595 .
Magnum Dynalab MD-108: $5850 .

Editor's Note: There are currently no Class B FM tuners listed.


Harman Kardon HK 3480: $449
Outlaw RR2150: $699


Tivoli Audio Model Two stereo table radio: $199.99 .
Tivoli Audio PAL portable radio: $149.95
Tivoli Audio Model One table radio: $119.99 .


Magnum Dynalab MD-206.

* FM Antenna

Editor's Note: No indoor antenna can compete with a good roof or mast-mounted outdoor antenna,
but because apartment dwellers often don't have a choice, we list the following indoor models that we
have found to work well:

AudioPrism 8500 ($499,Vol.14 No.6),
AudioPrism 7500 ($299, Vol.12 No.5),
Magnum Dynalab 205 FM Booster ($350, Vol.10 No.6),
RadioShack amplified indoor FM antenna ($29.99, Vol.19 No.11),
RadioShack 15-2163 FM antenna (Vol.27 No.7), and!
Fanfare FM-2G ($99,Vol.20 No.12).

Outdoor antennae we have reviewed
and recommended are the Antenna Performance
Specialties Sniper ($595) and Antenna Performance
Specialties APS-13 FM ($199), the original versions of
which were reviewed in Vol.19 No.3.

* Signal Processors


Rives Audio PARC analog parametric equalizer: $3200
Spread Spectrum Technologies Trinaural processor: $1500
Velodyne SMS-1: $749
Z-Systems rdp-1 reference: $4000 .


Automated Controlled Environments Subwoofer Optimization System: $269

* Miscellaneous Accessories

Audio Research Tube Damping Rings: $3.95 each .
AudioPrism Noise Sniffer RFI/EMI detector: $199.95 .
AudioQuest binding-post wrench: $10.00 .
CAIG ProGold Wipes: $14.95/50ct
Eichmann Bullet Plugs: $40 in copper (set of 4),$99 in silver (set of 4)
Mondial MAGIC video ground isolator: $99 .
Shakti electromagnetic stabilizer: $2! 30 .
Sound Alignment Systems by Checkpoint P770 laser align! ment too l: $210 .
Stabilant 22 contact enhancer: $55/5ml bottle,with 5ml concentrate, 15ml mixing bottle,applicator, microbrush
Townshend Audio Maximum Super Tweeter: $1500/pair
WBT 0101 RCA plugs: $134/4 or $32 each .
WBT Nextgen Signature phono plugs: $49 each; $199/4

* Power-Line Accessories

American Power Conversion S15: $1499
Brick Wall PW8R15AUD surge protector: $249
CablePro Noisetrapper NANA power strip: $349.99
Cardas Golden Reference AC cable: $525/5ft
Empower EM2100 surge protector: $1799
Environmental Potentials EP-2450 Home Theater Power Supply: $800
Environmental Potentials EP-2050 Waveform Correction Absorber: $500
Panamax Max 2 Sub: $49.95
Panamax MAX5510-Pro Line Conditioner: $1499.95
PS Audio P500: $2195
PS Audio Power Director 3.5 surge protector: $995
PureAV Home Theater Battery Backup AP30800-10: $399.99?
Acoustic Zen Gargantua II AC cable: $1488/6ft
Audience powerChord: $450/6ft
Audio P! ower Industries Power Wedge Ultra 116 power conditioner: $1740
AudioPrism LF-1 Mk.II Quietline Parallel AC line filter: $224.95/8
Equi=Tech 2Q: $2689
Equi=Tech 1000: $1989
JPS Labs Aluminata: $3499
JPS Labs The Digital AC Cable: $349
Kimber PowerKord 10: $10/ft, plus $120 for termination
Monster Power AVS 2000 Automatic Voltage Stabilizer: $1499.95
PS Audio P300 Power Plant: $1245
PS Audio Power Port Classic AC receptacles: $50 each
PS Audio Ultimate Outlet: $299
Shunyata Anaconda Alpha AC cord: $1995
Shunyata Anaconda VX AC cord: $1995
Shunyata Research Hydra Model 8: $1995
Siltech SPX-30 Classic G5: $600/m, $112 additional 0.25m
Synergistic Research Reference AC Master Coupler X2: $675/5ft, with Mini-Power Coupler


Audience AdeptResponse, FIM 880 AC outlets, Panamax MAX5510 ACRegenerator & MAX4400-20Amp.?


Acoustic Zen Gargantua II, JPS Labs Aluminata,
Audience! powerChord AC cables, Audio Power
Industries Power Wedge U! ltra 116 power conditioner,
AudioPrism LF-1 Mk.II Quietline Parallel AC line
filter, Monster Power AVS 2000 Automatic Voltage
Stabilizer, and JPS Labs Aluminata all not tried in too
long a time.


* Stands, Spikes,Feet, & Racks

Audio Points by Star Sound Technologies: $49.99?$99.99/set of 3
Audio Selection Cones (formerly German Acoustics): $11 each
AudioPrism Iso-Bearings: Small (2.5mm), $59.95/3; Large (3.3mm), $89.95/3
AudioQuest Sorbo-gel Q-Feet: $89/4
Aurios MIB component supports: $299/3
Black Diamond Racing Pyramid Cones: $20 each
Black Diamond Racing The S! helf: $440?$875
Boltz CD 600 storage rack: $269; expansion kits, $159
Boltz LP shelves: $529 for a three-shelf unit; each additional shelf: $149
Bright Star Air Mass 3: $129
Bright Star Audio Rack of Gibraltar 1 equipment stand: $1895 *
Bright Star Audio Big Rock 1: $199 *
Bright Star Audio Little Rock 1 Isolation Pod: $165 *
Bright Star Mini-Rock F VPI isolation base: $144
Bright Star Rack of Gibraltar 2 equipment stand: $2450
Bright Star Ultimate TNT Isolation System: $1060
Gingko Audio Cloud 11 isolation stand: $379
Golden Sound DH Cones, Squares, and Pads
Grand Prix Audio Monaco equipment stands: $1250?$5111
Lovan Classic II Modular Racks: $484?$672 based on shelf size and board color
Music Direct record rack: $299?$450; add $100?$150 for additional shelves
S.A.P. Audio Relaxa magnetic levitation platform: $795
Sound Anchors Cone Coasters: $14 each
Symposium Energy Absorption Platform: $499 *
Symposium U! ltra Isolation Platform: $599
Symposium Rollerblock Series! 2+: $39 9/set of 3, $499/set of 4
Vibrapods: $6 each; available singly or in packs of 4 *
Walker Valid Points: $295/set of 3 large cones and 5 discs; other sizes available
Zoethecus audio stands: $569?$1682, e.Shelves, $34 each; z.Pods, $140 each; z.Slabs, $200 each


Bright Star IsoNodes, Finite Elemente Reference Pagoda equipment stand, String Suspension Concepts and Finite Elemente Cera-ball feet.


Sanus Systems CF-5 component stands discontinued; OSAR Selway & Magruder equipment racks, Ultra Dynafeet, Salamander Designs Synergy System and Archetype equipment racks, and PolyCrystal equipment racks and Brass Spikes all not tried out in a long time.
Room Acoustics Treatments?
ASC Studio Trap: $379 .
ASC SubTrap: $438
ASC Tower Trap: $715 .
ASC Tube Traps: $334.$798, depending on size and style .
Auralex SubDude: $59
Subwoofer Optimization System: $269
Echo Busters Decorative Room Treatments: Fr! om $166 each
Echo Buster Phase4: $345 each
RealTraps: $139.99.$299.99, depending on size
State Technology Research Collimators: $425.$950

* Digital Data Interconnects

Apogee Electronics Wyde-Eye: $49.95/0.5m; $59.95/1m; $69.95/2m; $79.95/3m; $89.95/5m; $99.95/10m
AudioQuest OptiLink Pro 2: $350/1m, with AT&T-ST termination
Canare DigiFlex Gold model RCAPOO3F: approx. $10.70/3ft
Kimber Orchid: $580/1m
Stereovox hdvx: $100/1m


AudioQuest Optilink-5, Audience Au24, DH Labs Silver Sonic D-110.


AudioQuest VSD-4 discontinued; Digital Precision X-60 i2Digital dropped in favor of Stereovox hdvx.

* Books & Computer Software
David Moulton's Playback Platinum Test CDs: $44.95 each if purchased separately, $159.80 for the set of 4
Digital Recordings Audio-CD Hearing Test: $24.95
ELAC Technische Software CARA REL 2.1 Plus pr! ogram: $74.95
ETF 5.x room response software: $149
RPG! Diffuso r Systems Room Optimizer Software: $99
Visual Ears: $89, plus $3 S&H


SignalScope and SignalSuite for Mac OSX, TrueAudio spectrum analyzer for Windows


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